Knuckles and Tales is a collection of atmospheric, disturbing, spooky, and downright weird Southern Gothic short stories by award-winning author Nancy A. Collins, best known for her edgy novels featuring the punk vampire/vampire slayer Sonja Blue. The original hardback edition of Knuckles and Tales was nominated by both the Horror Writers Association and the International Horror Guild for Best Collection of 2002. The stories on display in Knuckles and Tales range from suspense and psychological horror to dark fantasy and black comedy, with the occasional weird love story thrown in for good measure.
Knuckles and Tales features two never before published novelettes in the Seven Devils Cycle: "Junior Teeter And The Bad Shine" and "the Pumpkin Child", as well as the previously unpublished short story "Big Easy".
The complete list of included stories:
I'm Gonna Send You Back to Arkansaw
The Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Jaw
Seven Devils
How It Was With the Kraits
The Pumpkin Child
Down in the Hole
The Serpent Queen
Junior Teeter and the Bad Shine
The Two-Headed Man
The Killer
Cancer Alley
The Worst Thing in the World
Catfish Gal Blues
Big Easy
Billy Fearless